Find Bornu Khalwatiyya, 133 Kharijism (Khariji[tes]), 62, 68–69, 266n19, 272n2; and you may Fatimids, revolt against, 73–74

for the Algeria, 153; and you may Almohads, 105; in the al-Andalus, 74–75, 78, 101–102, 105, 274n24, 276n16; and you will Ayyubids, 86; inside the Egypt, Hellenistic, 32–33, fifty, 262–263n29; inside Egypt, Ottoman, 115; and you may Fatimids, 80, 82, 269nn50–51; and you can inter-spiritual conversation, 301n54; and Islam, 58, sixty, 264n5, 268n38; and you can alKahina, 65; inside the Morocco, 128, 131, 183, 234–235, 298n34; during the Tunisia, 248.

yya course away from, 152, 168, 182–183, 186, 196, 289–290n30, 290n32 Isma‘il (Alid khedive), 143, 146–148, 150, 166, 174, 285–286n51–52, 292n9 Isma‘il, Mawlay, 130–131 Isma‘ilism (Isma‘ilis), 72–73, 79–80, 83, 267n30, 269n48 Israel (Israelis), 173–175, 169, 193, 196–200, 205, 214, 235, 276n17, 292n4, 297n29 Israelites, twenty two. See and additionally Hebrews; Jews Istiqlal Group, 182, 184, 229–130, 234 Italy (Italians), 5; and you may Alids, 148; Arabs inhabit, 71, 73, 267n28; and “4th shore,” 178; and you may Libya, post-colonial interactions which have, 294n34; Muslims settle when you look at the, 73; and Napoleon, 278n36; and you will Northern Africa, commerce with, 83, 86, 101, 269n51; and you will Ottomans, 275– 276n10; and you may Tripolitania, colonization and you may decolonization out of, 176–178, 191, 288–289n18, 289nn19–26; and you can Tripolitania, takeover regarding, 8, 141, 164–165, 204, 285nn47–48; and Tunisia, 159; and The second world war, 173, 180

Jonnart Law, 185 Juba We, 42–43 Juba II, 43–45, 261nn13–14 Judaism, 33, fifty, 58, 264n5, 272n2, 274n24 Jugurtha, 40–43; 260n7 Juin, Alphonse, 184 Justinian, 54, 264n41

Jabarti, Abd al-Rahman, nine, 111, 115, 133, 136–137, 145, 280n45, 281n6, Jama‘at Islamiyya, 200, 293n12, 293n16 Jawdhar, 127–128 Jawhar (al-Katib), 68, 79, 269n49 Jazuliyya, 124 Jews, 5, 101, 169, 196, 280nn47–forty-eight, 292n2;

See along with Judaism

Kabylia (Kabyles), 155, 190, 218, 222, 249, 283n30; and you will Higher Revolt, 155; and Kseur Program, 226, 296n19; and you can Matoub, loss of, 296n18; unrest in the, 218, 223, 226, 296n9; Kahina, al- (Dihya), 65, 265n14 Kalbids, 71, 80 Kamal, Ahmad, 167 Kanem-Bornu. Select Qur’an Kulthum, Umm, 171–172; and you can Robert Plant, 256n29; and Bessie Smith, 251 Kusayla, 64 Kush (Nubia) (Kushites/Nubians), 4–six, 15,

Find and additionally Ibadis Khayr al-Din (Hayreddin), 117, 119, 121, 275n7 Khayr al-Din Pasha, 158–159 Khufu, 18 Kitchener, Herbert, 150 Kittaniyya, 182, 284n44 Koran

17–19, 21–twenty-four, 45–46, 144, 257n9, 257n11, 265n10; Candace queen away from, 45, 261n18 Kutama, 72, 80 Labib, Claudius, 167 Lamtuna, 89 Lavigerie, Charles, 156, 159, 180 League regarding Countries, 183 Contributed Zeppelin, 14, 256n29 Leo Africanus (Hasan bn Muhammad alWazzani), 9, 106, 115, 275n32, 276n10 Lesseps, Ferdinand de, 147, 282n12 Libya (Libyans), 3, 253n3, 253n5; and you will Arabs, 65, 265n13; camels in, 258n29; and you will Carthage, 26, 257n16; colonialism in, 157; and decolonization, 191, 285n26, 289n26; and Egypt, 21–twenty four, 34, 257n9; etymology out of, 4, 30, 54, 254n9, 285n46; and Garamantes, six, twenty-eight, 45, 210, 259n29, 261n15; and Greeks, 30–31, 259n33; and you will Ottomans, 140; and you can Phoenicians, 26; primitive sketches inside, 6; and you may Romans, 45–46; while the “Tripolitania,” 8, 141, 164–166, 176–178, 285nn47–48, 288nn15–sixteen, 288–289n18, 289nn20–25; and you can Vandals, 54. Pick also Tripoli Libya (post-colonial), 193, 248; and you will Chad, 208; cost savings and you will area regarding, 209–211, 244, 294nn33–thirty-five, 300nn51–53; and you will Egypt, 199; and you may consolidation, 294n25; and you can Islamism, 294n29, 294n32; and Morocco, 236; political affairs regarding, 203–209, 245, 292n8; and Qadhafi, succession to help you, 294–295n36; because the stateless, 204; and you will Tuareg, 294n31; and Tunisia, 213; and you will Us, 204, 207–209, 294n30; and Wheelus Air Push Base, 178, 204, 294n24; publishers out-of, 248 London, Pact off, 165 Louis IX, 87, 97, 110–111 Louis-Philippe, 153 Lyautey, Hubert, 163–164, 177–178, 183

Macedonians, 5, 31, 32–33, 38, 258n21 Madani, Abassi, 223 Madrid Accords, 220, 232, 235, 240 Maghrib, demarcation away from, dos, 253n3, 253n5 Magonids, twenty-six Mahfouz, Naguib, 172, 203, 248, 288n11 Maimonides, 86 Mali, 253n4, 271n63, 294n31, 299n48; kingdom off, 102, 127 Malikism, 70–71, 74, 84, 89–91, 102–105, 107, 113 Malta, 26, 120, 123, 133, 169; Knights regarding St. John out of, 120, 123 Mamluks, 7, 82, 87, 97, 99, 102–103, 109– 116, 128, 132–133, 143–144, 275n1, 275n4 Mansur, Abu Yusuf Ya‘qub al-, 94, 105, 273n18 Mansur (Sa‘di), Ahmad al-, 122, 126–129, 233, 278nn28–30 Mansur, Isma‘il al-, 74 Mansur, Muhammad bn Abi Amar al-, 76 Marinids, eight, 89, 96–one hundred, 103, 106–107, 124, 274nn22–23 Marrakesh, 90–91, 93–94, 96, 98, 124, 126, 128, 130, 272n3, 274n30, 276n16 Marsa Conference, 159 Masinissa, 37–41, 260nn5–6 Masmuda, 80, 93, 272n2 Massyli, 26, 37, forty Mauretania (Mauretanians/Mauri), eight, twenty-six, 40–41, 46, 261n13; Roman empire regarding, 44–45 Mauritania, 85, 89, 130, 220–221, 230–231, 235, 243, 253n4, 271n63, 297n23, 299nn48–forty-two, 300n50 Mediterranean Free-trade City (MEFTA), 244 Melilla, 8, 100, 124–125, 161 236, 299n49 Menkaura (Mycerinus), 18–19 Mernissi, Fatima, 249 Midrarids, 67, 72, 266n19, 267n31 Mongols, 87, 97, 110–111, 271n68, 275n2; IlKhanids, 111, 113–114, 275n1, 275n5

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